This comment was left on my last blog.
Maryluz said...
Espero que tengas algún amigo(a)español que pueda traducir esto para ti.
Sigo tu blog desde hace tres meses, lo vi por casualidad y aunque no entiendo bien el inglés, por tus fotos, he podido entender tu historia y tu experiencia en Francia. Me ha gustado ver ese lugar por medio de tus ojos.
Soy Colombiana pero hace 17 años vivo en España y puedo imaginar lo placentero que fue tu viaje a Francia.
Yo voto porque sigas con tu blog, hablando de tus experiencias actuales, de tu ciudad y de tu viajes. Un saludo, Maryluz
I hope that you have some Spanish friend
who can translate this for you.
I have been following your blog for three months,
I saw by chance and although I do not understand English well,
by your photos, I have been able to understand your history
and your experience in France. I like to see Europe through your eyes.
I am Colombian, but for the past 17 years I have lived in Spain,
and can imagine the pleasant experience
that you enjoyed with your trip to France.
I vote you continue with your blog,
speak of your present experiences, your city and your trips.
A greeting,
Thank you/Gracias Maryluz
I was going to wait for a few votes, but now my decision has been made.
Iba a esperar algunos votos, pero mi decisión es fácil ahora.
I would be happy to continue to tell my story.
Me placerÃa continuar contando mi historia.
***Please note - all translation was completed using an online language translation service, which I know does not always translate in the proper tense. - My apologies to all who speak/read Spanish better than I.