I will plan to post thoughts in the mornings/photos later in the evening.
Those items I am thankful for: A large, sunny, beautiful apartment overlooking this valley of Southwest France. A well-stocked living space; with books, a bed, art supplies, food and drink. Having no curtains on my bathroom window - look out during a shower and admire a walnut tree, our garden, and hillsides beyond. Good company in the school's classmates and instructors. A stove and oven to cook fresh food. A large refrigerator, a digital camera, and a laptop computer. Friendly people around town, willing to try to converse in a mixture of a language they know, and we are learning. Laughter, sharing stories,and learning histories of the people, the town and this country. The light of the sun glowing from 5 a.m. until just prior to 11 p.m. Pizza Truck, Turnbuckle the cat, choosing between seven shirts and 4 pants, flowers on the front steps, and fresh, hot baguettes every morning. Being married for 20 years. Having good friends and supportive family. Things I do not miss? Cleaning a microwave, office gossip, 4-slice toaster, gas stations, TV, too many kitchen tools and appliances, junk mail/email, meetings that go too long, and my cell phone ringing.