June 28, 2007

A French Monster

Since the Clock Contest is about a monster, and "Time" terrorizes everyone...
My entry for the "Monster Contest" is from French legend:
I checked French Monsters in History and came up with a description of La BĂȘte du GĂ©vaudan, ("The Beast of Gevaudan") a "terror which reigned between 1764 and 1767", a wolf-like monster who lay claim to 100 killings in a small area of France.

OK, so the description is a little depressing, but some history is good to know.

I am enjoying the current roster of votes - hoping for about 20 to choose from, so keep 'em coming. Another beautiful sunset from the 20th of June - Ahhhhhh...

Update on the Monster Clock Contest...

Deadline and prize for person who determines winning name chosen for my computer clock: Deadline 3 pm (USA time), on August 10th. Entries to be judged on originality, beauty, humor, and possibly a talent portion, yet to be determined. <> <> <> Grand Prize: three 5x7 photos of winner's choice, from those published throughout this blog - to be awarded first week of September, 2007. Judges votes are final - and any bribes are greatly appreciated.
Good luck, and vote often! M