5:20 pm, and it is still a little rainy outside. It was cool and blustery with the rain hanging around all day today. Learning the ropes with steam heat - radiators are pretty picky. Just returned from a French film - all about parenting and the struggles of raising preteens, in a G-rated format. It was a cute film, and struggling with kids seems to be universal. Will be joining J in a few minutes at another welcome party hosted by the school. Friday night we met at Cafe Calimero, a new pub that recently opened under new owners. The French barkeep was keeping with the whole French-style; cigarette with ash dangling from the corner of his mouth throughout his pouring another draft beer. They had good-looking steak/frite; grilled steak with a side of fries, and served with mayo on the side - did not try them, but they smelled pretty good.
Photo of the day: Wet steps leading up from the garden, covered in ferns and tiny wildflowers, with white roses curling their way along the railing.
Hope the weather wherever you are, is nice and sunny!