A few questions answered from the last few postings: No, have not seen any working windmills, although the blades on the mill in the photo from a few days ago can be fanned out to catch the wind - that windmill was right along a main route on the outside of town, (less than a 1/2 mile from SHOPI). There are wind farms, which we viewed during our train ride from Paris to this location, (please disregard the fuzzy image - we were traveling at about 100 mph when it was taken...). Have seen a few water wheels/mills at the various rivers near here - not sure if they are decorative or still in use, most are now private homes.
Second, yes, a physiotherapist and a kinesiotherapist are both employed in this town - both share a neat little office near the SHOPI - they seem to do a booming business, but sorry, no physical therapist assistants, not approved to practice in France. Patients do not seem to need a physician referral prior to attending therapy, and there is also at least one chiropractor who also lives here in town. No hospital here, but an ambulance service and a large retirement/nursing home probably employs a few other medical staff.
As for J adding some comments - he is not big on typing, and I have not taken dictation for about 4-5 years, but may have to get the hang of it again.
Finally - Contest Time! Need help naming the purply-pink monster clock on my computer.
Open to all (decent) suggestions. Have not decided what the winner will receive, but will keep the contest going for about a month. Vote early and vote often - leave your suggestions in the comment area - and please sign a name, to help keep track. Thanks for your help.