we both believed
our American Dream
consisted of:
2 jobs
2 cars
buying "the first house"
and filling the house;
(from garage - to basement -
to main level - to attic)
with furniture
a large TV/stereo
sporting goods
gardening/lawn tools
"hobby supplies"
camping gear
several kitchen appliances
seasonal decorations
and lots of clothing.
Which worked for about 20 years.
J commented a few days ago
that we have "let go" of that description.
Our new American Dream:
Rent, don't own.
Simplify clothing, hobbies, tools,
appliances, decorations.
Enjoy other things.
Repeat daily.
As you know I LOVE comments on my blog:
What is your American Dream?
Or your (insert other country here) Dream?
I will sponsor a contest:
Email me, or comment at this blogsite
with your American Dream response.
Comment with your name - sorry, no anonymous replies!
Contest now through May 15th.
J & I will be judging all entries.
Multiple entries from the same person
will be allowed and encouraged.
Written submissions, photographs, and
photos of artwork will all be allowed.
Bribes, unfortunately, will not be allowed.
All ages encouraged to compete.
The winner (and all other entries)
will be posted,
and a "Lovely Santa-Fe Prize"
will be presented/sent to the winner.
Let the contest begin.