Just a whole new level of tired.
Maybe a little stiff, too - but mainly tired.
Feldenkrais training sessions have
done this to me,
until today.
A co-student reminded me;
psychologists have studied
"good stress"
"bad stress"
and have given a rating system
to those things through our lives
that cause stress.
Read each of the events listed below, and check the box next to any event which has occurred in your life in the last two years. There are no right or wrong answers. The aim is just to identify which of these events you have experienced lately.
SO...how did you do?
go to: http://www.geocities.com/beyond_stretched/holmes.htm
for your "fun time" and to get a number calculation.
My goal for the next year
is to lower my "current" number
to a MUCH
lower rating.
to be really tired
at Feldenkrais training,
and be OK with that.