Answer #6 - Critter Count...Current count of all sightings since 17th of May: Rabbits (6) wild; Chickens/roosters (7) domestic and yes, still clucking; Dogs (too many to count - we are two doors down from a veterinarian); Cats (7-8) some "street cats", some domestic + (2) really cute kittens; Squirrels (none); Raccoons (also none); Donkeys (4); Horses (10-12); Cows (more than I or anyone else, for that matter - can count), Other? Yes, Fox (1), although I'm not sure if roadkill counts...; Bats (also, unable to get accurate count for obvious reasons); Snails (about 4-5 live, usually on the ground, usually slow movers, and also, usually about 3-4" long); Geckos (too many...too quick). Hope that answers that question, thus far...
I can't believe you counted. I can't believe that you see big snails walking or sliding around. Are the windmills working or just landmarks? Any take on the need for therapy there? I read a post on the Driver Rehab web site that someone is wondering if there are Driver evaluators in Paris. Something else for you to research if you want.
What do your neighbors think when they see you counting roadkill? (Grin.) The windmills are beautiful. Could they be future pictoral inspiration? In some of your images, I'm reminded of the PBS series "Simon Schama's Power of Art" that I just saw. I caught the one on Van Gogh, which featured much of his time in France. The scenery was awe-inspiring. Speaking of painting, I know this is your blog and all, but what's up with J? Let's hear from/about him, too. If he doesn't mind (& you can pry him away from the canvas long enough.) L/Elle
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