"Au revoir pour maintenant -
nous retournerons bientôt",
"Goodbye for now - we will return soon".
Immediate thoughts as I think about the last 109 days in Europe?
-People are essentially good and kind - no matter what language they speak.
-300+ cheeses in one country the size of Texas is a good thing.
-Big city style & glitz, and small town comfortable & friendly is universal.
-I do not miss television.
-Crepes are not those things you eat at Village Inn.
-Italian Gellato is only slightly better than French Glace. (Ice Cream)
-The power of art and the drive to create is universal.
-Tacky souvenirs are also universal.
-There is no place like home - and it will be good to be there.
I offer some of my favorite photos - recent and from the past three months.
We will continue to chat - I travel with joy wherever I go.
Flights from Europe and around USA tomorrow,
and we will stay in touch if we are near WI-FI.
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