May 26, 2007

What To Eat

I though you might enjoy some menu descriptions: Got out two of our French/English dictionaries and translated a few menus. First, from Pizza Truck; "jambon blanc"= white ham, "champignons" = mushrooms, "poivrons" = sweet peppers, "saucisson sec" = salami, "merguez"= red sausage, "andouillette" = pork tripe, "lardons" = bacon, "magrets de canard fume" = smoked duck breast, the "quatre fromage/fromagere" = 4-cheese/5 cheese combination - all flavorful, and some stinky! "Ananas" = pineapple, "pommes de terre" = potatoes, "oeuf" = egg, "saumon" = salmon, "thon" = tuna, and "miettes de surimi et de crabe, ecrevisses, crevettes" = crabmeat, crawfish, and shrimp.
Sorry - but I'm going for the (safe) quatre fromage again tonight.

At the river view restaurant the menu includes simple pizzas, along with; "tartare frite" = raw chopped steak with french fries, "escalope de Volaille Normande" = baked turkey breast with white sauce, "choucroute de la Mer" = sauerkraut & fish, "fondue Bourguignonne" = hot burgundy-based sauce with onion, mushroom, bacon, and shallots - with beef to dip/cook in the sauce, and to finish; "hache a cheval" = ground horsemeat, and "foie gras maison" = house specialty - fatted goose or duck liver pate.

I'm not sure if these descriptions made you hungry or not, but there are no words to describe the tastes or smells of these foods that have been around for hundreds (if not thousands) of years in this region. I also appreciate that the food is unbelievably fresh - most items are from the region, or within a few hours drive of this village - with no added hormones, preservatives, or additives; everything just tastes pure...

I apologize in advance for any mis-spellings - I'm sure some of my classmates at Alliance Francaise in Chicago will find some food that was not spelled correctly. Pardon!