July 19, 2009

2 Events in 2 Weekends

Santa Fe International Folk Art Festival
at Museum Hill, Santa Fe

Second Annual Viva Mexico Charreada Rodeo and Mexican Market
at El Rancho De Las Golondrinas

La Danza de la Pluma

Mole Tasting with Chef Fernando Olea of Bert's Taqueria
(Pink mole made with pink pinon nuts and beets;
green mole made with green chile;
and traditional mole poblano with cocoa)

Charreada Rodeo

These women from Mexico wear traditional dresses
consisting of more than 16 yards of fabric
for skirt and petticoats;
while riding high-speed sidesaddle
choreographed patterns between and around each other.

Antique clothing - style show


Anonymous said...

Everything looks so colorful down there--beautiful photos. Thanks.

lisa elle said...

Nice photos. Has John considered the relative artistic merits of the giant chicken motif?
