January 02, 2010


We spend January 1
walking through our lives,
room by room,
drawing up a list of work to be done,
cracks to be patched.
Maybe this year,
to balance the list,
we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...
not looking for flaws,
but for potential.
~Ellen Goodman

New Year's Day:
Now is the accepted time
to make your regular
annual good resolutions.
Next week
you can begin
paving hell with them as usual.
~Mark Twain

I checked my thesaurus
for "resolution"
and found the term "guts".

more to-the-point.

My plan for my
New Year's Guts?

Find a challenge:
Or a little less regular?

on a specific number
of challenges
to be completed
before the end of 2010,
and write like the wind
to describe them.

Gotta find some guts.


Krista said...

Hey Marty,
You are one gutsy woman! Happy New Year and happy writing!

Amy said...

My gut this year is to finish. If one word can describe a resolution, then that is my word for what I want to do.

LisaL said...

I meant to learn guitar this winter - but Italy called instead. Remember to leave time and spontaneity open for hearing the call of the wild . . . Lisa