April 10, 2011

Filling the Bucket

I watched "The Bucket List"
and enjoyed the concept
of making a list of things to complete
a "filling of the bucket of life"

I have adjusted the premise to


Because I don't plan on kicking the bucket anytime soon.

So here's my draft version of
the the first ten of
Filling the Bucket:

1. Ocean Surf
- Lessons are NOW booked on Monday 4/18/11.
I saw "Soul Surfer" this weekend, and STILL want to surf.

UPDATE! Did "OK" for my first try,
and will take an additional lesson
with a friend-of-a-friend
when I'm back to San Diego this June.
I laughed the whole time I was trying
(except, of course, when I was spitting out sand/sea water)
and realized
is the importance of "My Bucket List":
I will try to
keep a "Beginner's Mind"
remain relaxed
smile and play
and enjoy experiences.

2. Meet more people from Santa Fe, and make some more local friends.
- I've joined the Santa Fe Time Bank
with people "banking" time helping others in order to
"withdraw" help from others. (An hour for an hour)
- I've contacted a lady who lives here and wants to learn to swim.

I have gotten several responses and met my first
Santa Fe Time-Banker;
a sweet lady who had recently undergone heart surgery
and can no longer handle the grime/dirt
of dusting or vacuuming.
She needed a little Spring Clean.
Enjoyed the quick conversation
before she left for a "not often enough"
shopping trip with a friend,
while I stirred up the dust
and proceeded to
suck it up in her monster vacuum.
She called later;
happy (!)
to come home to
"a sparkling clean home"
It is good to help.

3. Water ski again on the Mississippi River.
-It has been more than 20 years since I've been on the river.
Any offers while I'm home in July would be greatly appreciated.

4. Travel to Europe again.

5. Learn another language and USE it consistently, so I DON'T loose it.

6. Go on a horseback weekend camping trip.
Hasn't happened for about THIRTY years, so I think I'd enjoy this one!
-The trip may happen this fall - crossing my fingers.

7. White water rafting

8. Snow skiing

9. Connecting with old friends and having great conversations
-Facebook has been a huge help with this one;
and two class reunions this summer should help!

10. Make it to the top of Atalaya
A seven mile hike to an altitude of 7,53 in Santa Fe;
I've been close to the top, but just haven't cleared the summit.

I'd love to hear what YOUR Filling The Bucket List would look like!



Deborah Allison said...

Great concept...the only flaw is thinking that "50" is a limit. The day before and the day after are just days along a continuous line. (having passed that day with no biggie, but some days are older than others))
The list is something we all should do! Can't wait to hear about the surfing!

Unknown said...

Not sure if we're supposed to fill out our own bucket list or add to yours for you!

I'll assume the former.

1. Get to the Southwest to visit friends and the land!

2. Get my weight down to 180 lbs. I'm down to 248 or so.

3. Buy a good camera and take photos. The Nikon CoolPix P500 is tempting me! It's got such a great, incredible zoom! But got to...

4. Pay off some bills...credit cards, car loan, college tuition...long range goals this is but necessary in a variety of areas and a variety of reasons!

5. Start a Square Foot Garden. Gotta be careful not to go too large too soon. Take it in steps.
Growing as much food of my/our own as possible is the ultimate goal, especially with rising costs of everything!

6. Learn words to more songs! Not having a guitarist to back up fiddle tunes leaves a gap in the band, Fire in the Belly. Can't rely on others to step up and add to this. Need to do it myself and maybe others will follow or a guitarist/multi-instrumentalist who resonates with the band and wants to make music with us will show up sometime.

7. Draw and paint. More.

8. Travel to Europe. Especially; Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, and the Greek isles.

9. Learn to record on the computer using Garageband since I have it on my Mac. Perhaps Pro Tools will follow.

10. Pass on one of my musical skills to one of our grandsons. If they don't want to learn, it won't happen. My grandfather was a fiddler and I never knew it until many years after he'd moved on. I learned just a few days ago that fiddlers back around 1900, though they WERE musicians, did not consider themselves such and so did not necessarily talk about it much in later years. Especially, if they did not keep it up over the years, as was my grandfather's case. At the very least, my grandchildren and children know that about me.

Mary G said...

If you want to horseback/camp in Iowa when you are back...it might be arranged!

LIsa said...

I would be up for France. Or Germany. Or I could show you Scotland or Ireland. Italy was fun. Oooh, what about Greece? Let's pick a place and GO.

Take guitar lessons. Hey, don't I know someone who does that?

Clean the house of 20 years of clutter. Or just one. Anything would be a start.

Fix my camera or take a step up.

Take some classes.

J/M said...

@ Mary G: I would LOVE to come over and ride, will be in town over the 4th of July - but only for a week; and have to fit in seeing my mom, going to my elementary school class reunion, going to my high school class reunion, and seeing all my friends... Oh, and maybe finding someone with a boat on the Mississippi River who will take me water skiing... But I promise - If I think I'll have any time to get my butt out to Blue Grass; I'll call you!