November 14, 2015

Paris Will Always Be The City of Light

I started writing this blog
in May of 2007,
just prior to my husband and I traveling
to France for 3 months.
We flew into Paris in May,
and flew out of Paris in August.

Paris is an ancient city
that crackles with a current, hip vibe.
It is stylish and busy,
yet is filled with streetside cafes
where you can sit all day
and read, enjoy spectacular food and drink,
or just people-watch.
History, art, and culture
ooze from every street, river and building.
Parks fill the city, as does music,
and sidewalk vendors sell
new and ancient art prints,
glorious flowers, and display
fresh fruits and vegetables
with an effortless artistic flair.
It is a beautiful city
filled with beautiful people
from all nationalities.
It is still the City of Light.
will never change.

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