November 10, 2017

Off The Island

Last night I got kicked off Facebook,
and subsequently, Instagram.
I had shared a promotional video for a local school, and tagged several alumni in the comments section.
I'm not sure if someone flagged it as spam, or the Facebook gods saw something they didn't like, but instantly I was out; unable to log in.

I went through several stages of grief...

And now I'm at the Orange Zone.
Yes, I can establish new FB and Instagram accounts, but...
Do I Want To?

Will I miss cat videos? Yes.
Bad puns? Yes.
But will I be OK?  Yes.

If I say goodbye to Facebook,
what's in it for me?

Time no longer wasted; sitting, unmoving, plugged in to the nearest outlet, curled up tight, like a well-armored, slow-moving armadillo avoiding a hungry coyote.

Comfort of moving around, not straining my eyeballs at a tiny, bright white screen.  Comfort of not holding a hot little phone clenched in my numb fingers.  Comfort of holding my head in an upright position, and noticing the world around me.

Freedom to ride my bike, clean my house, putter in my garden, ski down a glorious mountain, go for a roadtrip,

Will I miss
"Liking" and
"Commenting" and
I'll be OK.

I'll miss you all.
But we are all still here.

Email me, or call me if you'd like.
Or comment through Blogger.


Deborah Allison said...

Sad, but envious!

westpark said...

I’ve been thinking about this, but I run three other pages. I think I need an intervention.